U-Richi is a modern pharmaceutical and cosmetics company, manufacturing and marketing a wide range of high quality pharmaceutical and cosmetics products, based on its own development as well as cooperation with multinational companies.
Our Mission
Being one step ahead in customer care enabling us to empower our customers to deliver all shapes of beauty by delivering trendy, high end products competing with international brands.
Our Vision
By 2026: Become One of the biggest Egyptian cosmetics company and one of the top twenty in the MENA region.
Providing world class services
Including Registration, Research & Development, Packaging & Design, Manufacturing and Delivery.
Our Leadership
Our Board is responsible for corporate governance and company performance while our Executive Committee manages the day-to-day business. The Committee meets regularly to provide organizational direction and take strategic business decisions.
Our partners
Our partners collaborate with us because of our reputation for quality and our strong brand recognition. Organizations we work with know they can rely on us to deliver consistently, in all our markets
Our history
Our company was founded on our dedication to transforming people’s lives by providing the quality medicine and cosmetics to support they need every day. More than two years ago, we established our generic medicines business in Egypt and the Middle East.
Beside Ahmed Orabi Association, Al Obour, Cairo.
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